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BB Codes List

On this Page you find a list of the BB code tags you can use to format your messages.

BB Codes for Text formatting
Bold Text
Description The [b] tag allows you to create text that is bold.
Usage [b]This text is bold[/b]
Output This text is bold
Italic Text
Description The [i] tag allows you to create text that italic.
Usage [i]This text is italic[/i]
Output This text is italic
Underline Text
Description The [u] tag allows you to create text underlined.
Usage [u]This text is underlined[/u]
Output This text is underlined
Strike Text
Description Wrap these tags to strike through text
Usage [s]This text is Strike through[/strike]
Output This text is Strike through
Text Color
Description The [color] tag allows you to change the color of your text, by parsing the color you want.
Usage [color=blue]this text is blue[/color]
Output this text is blue
Text Size
Description The [size] tag allows you to change the size of your text. You can define a value from 1-9, these values will be converted in percentage values 1=50, 2=70, 3=80, 4=90, 5=100, 6=120, 7=140, 8=160, 9=180
Usage [size=9]This Text has the font size of 180%[/size]
Output This Text has the font size of 180%
Text Font
Description The [font] tag allows you to change the font family of your text.
Usage [font=courier]this text is in the courier font[/font]
Usage this text is in the courier font
Text Left / Right / Center Direction
Description The [left], [right] and [center] tags allow you to change the alignment of your text.
Usage [left]this text is left aligned[/left]
[center]this text is center aligned[/center]
[right]this text is right aligned[/right]
this text is left aligned
this text is center aligned
this text is right aligned
Description The [highlight] tag allows you to highlight your text.
Usage [highlight]this text is highlighted[/highlight]
Output this text is highlighted

BB Codes to create various Links
Email Links
Description The [email] tag allows you to link to an email address. You can include an optional parameter to add a Link Name
Usage [email][email protected][/email]
[[email protected]]Click Here to Email Me[/email]
Output [email protected]
Click Here to Email Me
URL Hyper Links
Description The [url] tag allows you to link to other websites and files. You can include an optional parameter to 'name' your link. You can also combine [url] tags with [img] tags to create image links.
Usage [url][/url]
Modal URL Hyper Links
Description The [modalurl] tag allows you to link to other websites and files, the difference between the regular [url] tag is all links will be opened inside an modal dialog. You can include an optional parameter to 'name' your link. You can also combine [url] tags with [img] tags to create image links.
Usage [modalurl][/modalurl]
Topic Links
Description The [topic] tag allows you to link to topics inside the forum, by specifying the topic id and the Link Name.
Usage [topic=123]Go to Topic[/thread]
Output Go to Topic
Post Links
Description The [post] tag allows you to link to a specific post from a topic inside the forum, by specifying the post id and the Link Name.
Usage [post=123]Go to Post[/post]
Output Go to Post

BB Codes to create Lists
Bullet Lists
Description The [list] tag allows you to create simple, bullet lists without specifying an option. Within the value portion, each bullet is denoted by the [*] tag.
Usage [list]
[*]list item 1
[*]list item 2
  • list item 1
  • list item 2
Numbered and Alphabetic Lists
Description The [list=1], [list=a] (or [list=A]) or [list=i] (or [list=I]) tag allows you to create numbered, alphabetic with (capital) letters, or a numbered with (capital) Roman numeral lists.
Usage [list=1]
[*]list item 1
[*]list item 2

[*]list item a
[*]list item b

[*]list item A
[*]list item B

[*]list item i
[*]list item ii

[*]list item I
[*]list item II
  1. list item 1
  2. list item 2
  1. list item a
  2. list item b
  1. list item A
  2. list item B
  1. list item i
  2. list item ii
  1. list item I
  2. list item II

BB Codes to add Media Elements (Images, Videos)

The [img] tag allows you to add images to your posts. You can also combine [url] tags with [img] tags to create image links.

There is also an Option to enter an Image Description, which will be shown when you hover over the Image with the Mouse.

Usage [img][/img]

[img=]YAF Logo[/img]

[url=] [img][/img] [/url] (Linked)

YAF Logo

You Tube
Description The [youtube] tag allows the embedding of an Youtube video, by using the Url to the Video.
Usage [youtube][/youtube]

Description The [vimeo] tag allows the embedding of an Vimeo video, by using the Url to the Video.
Usage [vimeo][/vimeo]
Google Maps
Description The [googlemaps] tag allows the embedding a Map from Google Maps, by using the Url to the Map.
Usage [googlemaps],10.415039&spn=21.97528,35.639648&t=h&z=5[/googlemaps]
Google Gadgets (Widget)
Description The [googlewidget] tag allows the embedding a Google Gadget, you an find the The Gadgets from the Google Gadget Gallery. Select a Gadget and Copy the Html Code for the gadget.
Usage [googlewidget] <script src= " &synd=open&w=320&h=200&title=& border=%23ffffff%7C3px%2C1px+solid+%23999999&output=js"></script> [/googlewidget]

BB Codes to Quote other Postings, and BB Codes to include Code Text
Description The [quote] tag allows you to quote a text from a posting.
Usage [quote]Quoted Text.[/quote]

[quote=John Doe]Quoted Text.[/quote]

[quote=John Doe;123]Quoted Text.[/quote]
Quoted Text

John Doe wrote:
Quoted Text

Originally Posted by: John Doe Go to Quoted Post
Quoted Text

Description The [code] tag allows you to post Code Text, if you define the Code Language the Code will be Syntax Highlighted.
Usage [code]
// Hello1.cs
public class Hello1
  public static void Main()
    System.Console.WriteLine("Hello, World!");

// Hello1.cs
public class Hello1
  public static void Main()
    System.Console.WriteLine("Hello, World!");
// Hello1.cs
public class Hello1
  public static void Main()
    System.Console.WriteLine("Hello, World!");

// Hello1.cs
public class Hello1
   public static void Main()
      System.Console.WriteLine("Hello, World!");

BB Codes to show/Hide its Content only to specific users
Description The [hide] tag hides content from people until they press the thank you button for the post.
Usage [hide]Hidden Content[/hide]

If you don't have the right to view the content, you see an Info Message that Informs you way you don't see the Content

The content of this post is hidden. After you THANK the poster, refresh the page to see the hidden content. You need to thank the Current Post

Otherwise as Guest you see a Info Message

This board requires you to be registered and logged-in before you can view hidden messages.

If you do have access to see the Content you simply see the Hidden Content

Hidden Content

Group Hide
Description The [group-hide] tag Hide the Content from Guests, or other Roles if defined.
Usage [group-hide]Hidden Content[/group-hide]

If you don't have the right to view the content, you see an Info Message that Informs you way you don't see the Content

You have insufficient rights to see the hidden content.

Otherwise as Guest you see a Info Message

This board requires you to be registered and logged-in before you can view hidden messages.

If you do have access to see the Content you simply see the Hidden Content

Hidden Content

Description The [hide-thanks] tag hides content from people who have below X thanks received.
Usage [hide-thanks=2]Hidden Content[/hide-thanks]

If you don't have the right to view the content, you see an Info Message that Informs you way you don't see the Content

Hidden Content (You must be registered, and have at least 2 thank(s) received.)

Otherwise as Guest you see a Info Message

This board requires you to be registered and logged-in before you can view hidden messages.

If you do have access to see the Content you simply see the Hidden Content

Hidden Content

Description The [hide-posts] tag hides content from people who have below X posts.
Usage [hide-posts=10]Hidden Content[/hide-posts]

If you don't have the right to view the content, you see an Info Message that Informs you way you don't see the Content

Hidden Content (You must be registered and have 10 post(s) or more.)

Otherwise as Guest you see a Info Message

This board requires you to be registered and logged-in before you can view hidden messages.

If you do have access to see the Content you simply see the Hidden Content

Hidden Content

Description The [hide-reply] tag hides content from people until they replied in the same thread.
Usage [hide-reply]Hidden Content[/hide-reply]

If you don't have the right to view the content, you see an Info Message that Informs you way you don't see the Content

Hidden Content (You must be registered and reply to the message to see the hidden Content.)

Otherwise as Guest you see a Info Message

This board requires you to be registered and logged-in before you can view hidden messages.

If you do have access to see the Content you simply see the Hidden Content

Hidden Content

Description The [hide-reply-thanks] tag hides content from people until they either reply in the same thread or press the thank you button for the post.
Usage [hide-reply-thanks]Hidden Content[/hide-reply-thanks]

If you don't have the right to view the content, you see an Info Message that Informs you way you don't see the Content

Hidden Content (You must be registered and reply to the message, or give thank, to see the hidden Content.)

Otherwise as Guest you see a Info Message

This board requires you to be registered and logged-in before you can view hidden messages.

If you do have access to see the Content you simply see the Hidden Content

Hidden Content

Description The [spoiler] tag hides content from people until they click on "Show Spoiler".
Usage [spoiler]Spoiler Content[/spoiler]

User Link
Description The [userlink] tag generated a link to the provided User Profile Page, and shows if enabled the Users Online Status.
Usage [userlink]Username[/userlink]
Output Username Online
Stop BB Code Parsing
Description The tag allows you to stop the parsing of BB code inside the tag.
Usage [ noparse][b]Sample text.[/b][/ noparse]
Output [b]Sample text.[/b]

NOTE: Don't forget to close an open BB Code tag. Tags that are not closed will be not formatted.

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